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Expertise in various interventions
Surgical Oncology

Expertise in various interventions
Surgical Oncology
Surgery may be necessary as part of the treatment depending on the cancer’s stage and location. Certain cancers are treated surgically in the discipline of surgical oncology. Surgery is performed to diagnose, grade and treat cancer.
Surgical oncologists at Sammprada work on a multidisciplinary team of physicians and clinicians to combine surgery with other therapies to provide patients with the advantage of care for Oncology and Wellness.
Our surgeons have decades of experience in performing various surgical procedures for different cancer types. As part of patient care, the use of palliative surgery to control pain, increase comfort levels and improve quality of life is used
Tumors of the following organ systems are done at Sammprada surgical oncology unit:
- Head & Neck including thyroid
- Thoracic including lungs
- Upper Gastrointestinal system
- Lower Gastrointestinal system
- Hepato-biliaryand pancreatic systems
- Urology
- Gynaecology
- Bone and soft tissue sarcomas
- Breast
- Skin
- Neurological and endocrine organs

Significance of Surgical Oncology:

Diagnosing cancer

Removal of tumors or a portion of the cancer

Determining the location, spread, and effect on the functions of other organs

Open or minimally invasive procedures