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Early diagnosis for high survival rate
Preventive Oncology
The only cost effective way of dealing with cancer is to prevent it. Wherever the etiology is firmly known, prevention is possible. Where cause is not known, screening the high risk groups for cancer can detect precancerous conditions or early chances and cure rates can be high.
The best person to advise prevention is an oncologist who will be in a privileged position to be in touch with family, friends of a cancer patient, who will be amenable to preventive advice.

Early diagnosis for high survival rate
Preventive Oncology
Early detection of cancer or delaying the progression of cancer comes under the purview of this vertical. Certain cancers are silent; without showing any symptoms; they grow for several years. Early detection of cancer means detecting cancers even before symptoms manifest or at an early stage of symptoms.
Early detection will have the best chance for successful treatment. Regular screening is extremely helpful in detecting cancers or causes of cancers in their early stages when they can be treated with high survival rates and fewer complications.
At least 40% of cancers are tobacco related and are perfectly preventable. About 30 – 40% are related to wrong diet,obesity,lack of exercise and wrong sexual practices.
These require change of life style and this change also is possible to achieve. Some common cancers are virus induced and vaccination will be the perfect answer for their prevention.
Services offered:
- Tobacco Deaddiction
- Dietary advise
- Genetic counselling
- Chemo prevention
- Early detection

In preventive oncology, there are three categories:
- Primary cancer prevention involves educating people to avoid risk factors like alcohol and tobacco. As a result, all factors are modified and cancer is consequently prevented.
- Secondary cancer prevention is when the likelihood of detecting cancer at an early stage much before symptoms manifest is achieved. Usually, it is detected during screening. Chances for successful treatment are bright at this stage.
- Tertiary cancer prevention involves delaying cancer’s progression once symptoms appear and preventing consequences like secondary malignancies.
In the cancer screening procedure, a set of medical tests are performed on asymptomatic individuals to check for the presence of precancerous lesions. Screening is done to detect cancers of the breast, colon, rectum, prostate and cervix, the common organs where cancers affect faster.

HPV Vaccines are known to prevent cervical, vaginal, vulvar, penile and anal cancers along with oropharyngeal cancers. The vaccine is to be administered between 8 & 25 years before one gets infected by the virus.
Hepatitis B is yet another vaccine that can be taken by all age groups. Hepatitis B Virus can cause Hepatitis that can cause Liver cancer if left untreated.
A whole MRI can detect any abnormal growth, anywhere in the body.
Lifestyle modification and cessation of tobacco and alcohol can positively contribute towards the prevention of cancer.