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Coordinated care, great outcome
Medical oncology
Sammprada, a cancer hospital in Bangalore, provides you state-of-the-art cancer care from a multidisciplinary team guided by an eminent Medical Oncologist with an experience of >30 years.

Coordinated care, great outcome

Beginning with the initial diagnosis through survivorship, our dedicated Medical Oncologist is prepared to give the best patient care possible. Sammprada provides you state-of-the-art cancer care from the most eminent Medical Oncologist having experience for more than 30 years.
Patients are seen in a supportive homely environment here. They are provided with the latest advances in surgical, radiation, and chemotherapeutic interventions as is felt medically appropriate.
The medical oncology team at Sammprada has expertise and training in diagnosing cancer and delivering chemotherapy, immunotherapy, targeted therapy and/or hormone therapy. The team also collaborates with pain and palliation and nutrition experts to help reduce the adverse effects of the therapy.
At Sammprada, a cancer hospital in Bangalore, there are 10 Beds for day care chemotherapy run by specially trained chemotherapy nurses, who are under direct supervision of our Medical Oncologist. Chemotherapy is administered on a day care basis, avoiding overnight stays, thus saving both time and resources.