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Getting back home faster
The General surgery unit at Sammprada trust provides efficient sugical care in-all aspects such as diagnosis, pre-operative, operative and post-operative surgical management of the patient. Our operating rooms are equipped with latest equipment for diagnosis and surgical intervention, including advanced laparoscopic instruments.
- head and neck,
- vascular,
- alimentary tract,
- abdomen and its contents, including pelvis,
- breast, skin and soft tissue,
- endocrine system

Getting back home faster
General Surgery & Laproscopy (Minimally Invasive Surgery – Mis)
Common surgical procedures, with specialization in operating laparoscopically (Key hole) is our expertise in General Surgery.
Our Operation Theatres are fully
equipped to handle:
- Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgeries
- Colorectal surgeries
- All basic & advanced laparoscopic surgery
- Haemorrhoidectomy using stapler and open technique
- Thyroid and major neck surgeries
With laparoscopic surgery, recovery times are shorter as the surrounding tissues are not affected. Many types of general surgery are performed on a daycare basis; patients are treated in a few hours and sent home to recuperate with virtually no visible scarring in some cases. Unlike an open surgery, there is less pain and discomfort for our patients with this key-hole surgery.
With a view to improve patient care, some of the conventional surgical procedures have been replaced by minimal invasive techniques as in the case of:
- Gall bladder removal,
- Partial resection of colon,
- Removal of spleen,
- Removal of kidney,
- Removal of adrenal gland,
- Repair surgery for gasto-esophageal reflux,
- Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgeries
- Colorectal surgeries
- All basic & advanced laparoscopic surgery
- Haemorrhoidectomy using stapler and open techniques
- Thyroid and major neck surgeries
- Breast Surgeries
- Stomach surgeries
- Plastic surgeries