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- Shoba Trust
"Our mission is to empower women and youth in semi-urban and rural communities to champion the cause of cancer prevention. Our objective is to strengthen these communities and improve their health standards through cancer screening camps and cancer awareness info sessions."
"Create long-term social impact by training and empowering a team of 1000 "Cancer Warriors" with scientific information and facts and enable them to create awareness in their communities."

Championing the Cause of Cancer Prevention
Shobha trust has been set up with a vision to inspire women and youth in rural and semi-urban areas to become change agents for their communities and families. There is a huge gap in understanding of cancer and its risk factors linked to nutrition, poor lifestyle, stress, and ingesting tobacco and alcohol. The Trust envisions young women and youth in these areas to take lessons from these activities and spread this information and insights in their own families and communities to make better choices about nutrition, yoga, early treatment, etc.
Sammprada is led by Dr. Radheshyam Naik, a renowned Oncologist in the country with more than 3 decades of experience. Building on the curative services, the trust intends to broaden its services in the preventive domain through a social approach. The idea is to implement a community-based cancer screening program, rather than a clinic-based program, which effectively reaches the underprivileged population. Such tests enable detection of pre-cancer or early stage cancer in asymptomatic individuals. This approach expedites timely diagnosis and offering early treatment, which in-turn leads to better outcomes in most beneficiaries.
The focus of our program is on screening women for cancers of the oral cavity, breast, cervix, stomach and colorectal region. The first three cancers are most common in the Indian context, are preventable and can be easily detected in its early stages. The line listing of women will be obtained from the existing data set with the Credit access grameen bank, who are beneficiaries in their micro-finance scheme. The auxillary nurse-midwife/ASHA (Health workers from Government health center) will assist in locating the women.
The disparities in accessing cancer screening services are multi-factorial. It includes an interplay of level of awareness, socio-economic status, health resources, cultural background, behavioral risk of cancers, stress, genetic constitution and environmental exposure. Our program will explore avenues of reducing such disparity as well as scaling up the coverage at the population level. Existing Institutes of Mahila sangha in each Anganwadi center will enable buy-in of the beneficiaries and subsequent mobilization. This Program supplements the existing National program by utilizing additional and advanced screening methods. Given the community-level challenges for accepting preventive screening services, and the stigma attached for cancer detection, our Program incorporates culturally tailored educational initiatives.

Precise diagnosis & treatment
Our dedicated team will implement evidence based best screening practices, with due concern to the beneficiaries’ privacy and informed consent process. For screened positive individuals, referral linkage for diagnostic services will be delineated. Our collaborative initiatives include community based organizations (eg: Cancer care, Mayahealth), which facilitates compliance to follow-up regimen. The opinion of influential community stakeholders, will enable participatory research of the facilitators and barriers for accessing our services. Given the complex issues involved, such coordinated efforts from the stakeholders will enhance cancer prevention approaches, and expedite the effectiveness of treatment for downstaged (early detected) cancers.
It is wisely said that ‘a gentle act of care creates an endless ripple’. Your generous contribution for this noble cause is much appreciated. Further, these funds will enable sustaining these interventions and provisioning follow-up services.
Shobha Trust Believes that women and youth influence and bring about materials changes in lifestyle to reduce the incidence of cancer.
Create long-term impact through the appointment of 1000 cancer warriors in 2023, tasked to create awareness with active support from Shobha Trust

Reaching the Underprivileged Population
Community based cancer screening and prevention activities
Our idea is to implement a community-based cancer screening program, rather than a clinic-based program, which effectively reaches the underprivileged population. Such tests enable detection of pre-cancer or early stage cancer in asymptomatic individuals.
This expedites timely diagnosis and offering early treatment, which in-turn leads to better outcomes in most beneficiaries. This Program will be implemented in Tumkur district, Karnataka, and women aged > 30 yrs (comprising ~20% of the total population) will be included. The pilot project will be done by probability sampling of a few households.
The focus of our program is on identifying high risk groups and screening them for cancers of the oral cavity, breast, cervix, stomach and colorectal region. The first three cancers are most common in the Indian context, are preventable and can be easily detected in its early stages.
The high risk group includes first degree relatives of cancer patients. Cancer patients in the community will be located from the existing data set with the auxiliary nurse-midwife/ASHA worker (Community health worker from the Government health centers).
The disparities in accessing cancer screening services are multi-factorial. It includes interplay of level of awareness, socio-economic status, health resources, cultural background, behavioral risk of cancers, stress, genetic constitution and environmental exposure.
Our program will explore avenues of reducing such disparity as well as scaling up the coverage at the population level. This Program supplements the existing National program by utilizing additional and advanced screening methods.
Given the community-level challenges for accepting preventive screening services, and the stigma attached towards cancer detection, our Program incorporates culturally tailored educational initiatives.

Apart from the known channels generating awareness, we plan to implement behavior change initiatives (eg: role plays) for addressing the risk factors of cancer. This expedites building advocacy of our Program.
Strategies for mobilizing beneficiaries from the capital population include in-person didactic sessions and navigation by the community health worker. For screened positive individuals, referral linkage for diagnostic services will be delineated.
Our dedicated team will implement evidence based best screening practices, with due concern to the beneficiaries’ informed consent and privacy.
We intend to coalesce with the existing institutional systems at the community level (eg: Village health sanitation & nutrition committee, Mahila mandals, Self-help groups), which fosters adherance to testing procedures.
Other collaborative initiatives include community based organizations (eg: Cancer care, Mayahealth), which facilitates compliance to follow-up regimen.
The opinion of influential community stakeholders, will enable participatory research of the facilitators and barriers for accessing our services.
Given the complex issues involved, such coordinated efforts from the stakeholders will enhance cancer prevention approaches, and expedite the effectiveness of treatment for downstaged (early detected) cancers.
It is wisely said that ‘a gentle act of care creates an endless ripple’. Your generous contribution for this noble cause is much appreciated. Further, these funds will enable sustaining these interventions and provisioning follow-up services.