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Community-Based Cancer Screening And Prevention Activities At Schools

Shobha Trust has been set up to inspire women and youth in rural and semi-urban areas to become change agents for their communities and families. There is a huge gap in understanding of cancer and its risk factors linked to nutrition, poor lifestyle, stress, and ingesting tobacco and alcohol. The Trust envisions young women and youth in these areas to take lessons from these activities and spread this information and insights to their families and communities to make better choices about nutrition, yoga, early treatment, etc.

It is estimated that about 30-40% of cancers can be prevented by lifestyle and dietary changes alone.  Transitioning from a sedentary way of life to staying active, and maintaining a healthy BMI or body weight are key contributors to reducing cancer risk.  Often pre-cancerous lesions transform into a malignancy over some time. During this latency, our physical fitness can help reverse the molecular pathways that could result in carcinogenesis.

A healthy body needs a healthy mind. Staying free of anxiety and stress contributes greatly toward boosting the immune system. Exercise not only strengthens the body but is also known to elevate mood in people with mild to moderate depression. A study showed that the effects of exercise stayed longer than some of the anti-depressant drugs (Sertraline). Certainly, exercise is the most underrated anti-depressant.

Yoga and deep breathing exercises reduce radiation-induced DNA damage. Breast cancer patients use yoga to improve their quality of life. Studies have shown that the apoptotic index (a measure of cell death or a cell’s ability to induce self-destruction) is significantly higher in yoga practitioners with over 10 years of practice compared to non-yoga practitioners and breast cancer patients.

Shobha Trust: Yoga-Driven Cancer Prevention

Yoga and Immune System

The goal of strengthening the immune system is to keep all of the body’s systems working together. Research shows that yoga boosts immunity. Studies show that regular practice of gentle yoga and meditation had a rapid effect at the genetic level in circulating cancer-fighting immune cells. Mindfulness meditation also appears to change the brain and immune function in positive ways.

Yoga Detoxifies the Body

Detoxification is the vital metabolic process by which dead cells and toxins (the flu virus, a rogue cancer cell, or another pathogen) are excreted from the body. Yoga is the muscle of the lymphatic system—the body’s plumbing and trash-removal system. Similar to how the heart muscle circulates blood, yoga increases lymphatic flow with specific breathing and movement practices. Inversions, a fundamental part of a strong yoga practice, utilize movement and body positioning to reverse the effects of gravity on our body, enhancing the process of cardiovascular and lymphatic drainage.

Yoga detoxifies the mind as well. We can detoxify the mind by using the movement of the breath, relaxing into gravity in a restorative pose, and by quietly watching our thoughts in meditation.

Yoga and Bones

How do strong bones contribute to cancer prevention? Bone marrow within our bones constantly produces new red and white blood cells. White blood cells form leukocytes, which are our natural cancer-fighting immune cells. When our bones are compromised by a break or osteoporosis (a side effect of chemotherapy), the production of a nourishing blood supply and immune protection is also compromised.

I believe yoga is safer for strong bone building than many gym routines because it puts weight on the bones in a precise, deliberate way.

Yoga and Stress 

Yoga can enhance that positivity. The results of a 2009 study on the effects of yoga on emotions found an increase in positive emotions such as calmness and a sense of purpose in more than 50 percent of subjects. Women participating in a 10-week program of restorative yoga classes gained positive differences in aspects of mental health such as depression, positive emotions, and spirituality (feeling calm and peaceful), as compared to the control group.

Yoga and Obesity

Obesity is a key, if not the largest, indicator of both cancer incidence and recurrence. Experts believe that excess body weight contributes to as many as one out of five cancer-related deaths, and link being overweight or obese to an increased risk of several types of cancer. Obese individuals increase weekly exercise to 300 minutes per week to reduce the chances of cancer or recurrence.

Research on the impact of yoga on weight gain is still in the early stages. One study showed that yoga had a more positive impact on obesity and depression than aerobic exercise.

The benefits of yoga for cancer prevention are profound and well-substantiated. For yoga teachers who work with students, youth, and working individuals, having specific knowledge about the benefits and modifications for this community is imperative. Teachers must understand the limitations and requirements to support this community to practice effectively and safely.


We at Shobha Trust,  are conducting free yoga camps for youth, women, and high-risk individuals with the aim of # Fighting Against Cancer. Cancer is caused by a combination of several factors over some time.  We at Shobha Trust, want to take the initiative to protect the youth and reduce the chances of getting cancer in the future. The following 4  domains could be addressed for the planned activities for the youth.

1) Awareness lecture:
  • Common cancers in India: Oral, Lung, Breast, Cervix, Stomach, Colorectal
  • Symptoms of presentation
  • Benefits of screening tests
  • Common risk factors (Smoking, Alcohol, Physical activity, Diet, Stress)
  • Other risk factors: Air pollution, Childhood obesity, Family history
  • Lifestyle changes, physical fitness, benefits of yoga
2) HPV vaccination for adolescents
3) Advocacy for cancer screening
4) Evidence on school-based interventions
5) Creating Cancer Warriors to spread awareness

We conducted camps at the following places and used the funds for these initiatives:

  1. Cancer Awareness camp with benefits of yoga- Conducted at the senior citizen’s group in Raja Rajeshwari Nagar. A lecture by Dr Radheshyam Naik about early diagnosis, screening, and prevention. The focus was mainly on prevention and health practices like yoga for the elderly. Prakash was the yoga expert who taught some yoga practices, meditation, etc followed by online follow-up to ensure the discipline and support required by them
  2. Health hazards faced by working individuals and how yoga practices can benefit and reverse with minimum medical interventions. Prakash, our yoga expert conducted a yoga camp regularly for a month to introduce yoga practices, meditation, etc to improve the lifestyle and quality of life. Yoga practices are mainly for spine problems, and cervical spondylitis, to cope with work stress. There was a significant change and improvement in this group of people who participated for more than a month regularly.
  3. Cancer Prevention / Awareness Lecture and benefits of Yoga at a very early age: Conducted at a government school. Introduced lifestyle changes, had a presentation on tobacco chewing, smoking, negative effects of alcoholism, etc. Introduced the children to yoga for body and mind. Conducting 3 sessions a week for the children. The aim is to create a trainer in the school, to ensure they conduct yoga sessions regularly. The trainer then imparts the knowledge to the students regularly. We keep a regular tab on the activities to see results and benefits to the group. The students in turn become our cancer warriors. They educate their parents, siblings, and friends back home to spread awareness of cancer and also benefits of yoga.
  4. Weekly camps conducted at Ramakrishna mission, Shivanahalli to spread awareness on cancer, introducing lifestyle changes through yoga.

Pictures and videos support all the above activities as proof.

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